commemoration of the 12th World Handwashing with Soap Day

Meanwhile, the Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Service, Dr.dr.Hj. Reihana, M.Kes as the activity organizer, in his report explained that CTPS activities combined with clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) can protect children from various diseases. This activity can be carried out by schools in implementing the UKS program.

The chairman of the Lampung Province TP-PKK also explained that the aim of the CTPS campaign activities as currently carried out is an effort to reduce death and stunting rates, due to diarrheal diseases caused by lack of access to clean water, sanitation facilities and hand washing facilities. For this reason, he hopes that schools can meet the needs of these facilities, namely clean water facilities, sanitation facilities including CTPS facilities.

Ketua TP-PKK Provinsi Lampung itu juga menjelaskan bahwa tujuan dari kegiatan kampanye CTPS seperti yang dilakukan saat ini adalah suatu upaya bagi penurunan angka kematian dan stunting, akibat penyakit diare yang ditimbulkan karena kurangnya akses sarana air bersih, sarana sanitasi dan sarana cuci tangan. Untuk itu iya berharap agar sekolah-sekolah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sarana tersebut yaitu sarana air bersih, sarana sanitasi termasuk sarana CTPS nya.

On this occasion, Mrs. Riana Sari Arinal invited all people to always get used to washing their hands with soap in running water. "Washing your hands with soap is a small step to start living a healthy life, in order to effectively protect people from diseases such as diarrhea and respiratory tract infections (ARI)," said the Governor of Lampung.

The 2019 CTPS Day activities began with the signing of the CTPS Commitment and Handprint, as well as CTPS Practice.

Head of the Lampung Province PKK Mobilization Team, Riana Sari Arinal, Monday (04/11), attended the 12th World Handwashing with Soap Day (HCTPS) Commemoration at the Lampung Province Level in 2019 which was centered at SDN 01 Bakung, Teluk Betung Barat, Bandar Lampung.


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